Congratulations to our two winners of The Final Forte 2019! In a concert that was broadcast live on Wisconsin Public Television and Wisconsin Public Radio last night, Grace Kim, cello, earned first place for her performance of Saint-Saens’s Concerto no. 1, and Antonio Wu, piano, earned second place for his performance of Rachmaninoff’s Concerto no. 2, movement 3. They performed again in Overture Hall this morning for an audience of their peers at our Spring Young People’s Concerts.
The Final Forte is the final round of our annual Bolz Young Artist Competition. We’d also like to extend congratulations to Holly Venkitaswaran, flute, and Monona Suzuki, violin, for their outstanding musicianship and participation in this event! Learn more about the Bolz Young Artist Competition.
Tune into the Encore Broadcasts of The Final Forte!
The Wisconsin Channel
Friday March 15 at 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 16 at 3:00 p.m.
Milwaukee Public Television
Friday March 15 at 8:00 p.m.
Wisconsin Public Radio
Sunday, March 17 at 12:30 p.m.
Thank you and congratulations again to all four of our outstanding young artists who participated!
Meet the Winners
Watch video profiles of all four finalists
Videos produced by Wisconsin Public Television

Grace Kim, Cello
Age: 17
Playing: Saint-Saens Concerto No. 1, Mvts. I & III
Grace Kim is a junior at Waunakee Community High School. She took up the cello at the age of ten and currently studies with Uri Vardi, Professor of Cello at the UW-Madison School of Music. Grace received top honors in the 2018 Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition and was a semi-finalist in the La Crosse Rising Stars Concerto Competition in January 2019.

Antonio Wu, Piano
Age: 15
Playing: Rachmaninoff Concerto 2, Mvt. III
Antonio Wu is a sophomore at James Madison Memorial High School. He began piano lessons at age five and has studied for the last ten years with Shu-Ching Chuang. Antonio took first place in both the 2016 Madison Symphony Orchestra Youth Concerto Competition and the 2017 Chopin Youth Piano Competition, and was selected as one of four finalists in the 2019 La Crosse Rising Stars Concerto Competition.