The gift
of a lifetime.
Planned Giving and the Stradivarius Society
The Madison Symphony Orchestra uses the term “planned giving” generally to refer to gifts that are arranged by donors, often in coordination with the creation of a will, to benefit the Symphony sometime in the future.
The gift of a lifetime
Have you enjoyed attending MSO concerts for many years? Do you want to help ensure that the Symphony will bring joy to future generations? Have you ever thought “I wish I could do more for the Symphony?”
Thoughtfully considered estate planning can put significant giving within reach for many individuals who might not have thought it otherwise possible. Over the years, the MSO has been the grateful recipient of a variety of planned gifts from individuals who have remembered the Symphony in this special way.
What can my planned gift support?
It is the Symphony’s policy to transmit all bequests to our endowment, where they will help ensure that the Symphony will continue to serve our community for generations to come. Our development staff would be very happy to explore your specific interests and help match them with the perfect opportunity for you. To be sure we understand your wishes and will be able to honor them, we strongly recommend you contact us before placing any restrictions on your gift.
The Stradivarius Society, MSO’s planned giving circle of friends
All planned gifts qualify for recognition in the Stradivarius Society. The amount of your intended gift need not be revealed; we simply ask that you communicate your planned giving intent to the Symphony in writing using a non-legally-binding form that we will provide.
Stradivarius Society Members receive:
- Recognition in Symphony program books (if desired)
- A unique lapel pin
- An open invitation to the Donor Lounge for all subscription concerts
- An invitation to an annual luncheon with our Music Director and Executive Director
If you have remembered the Symphony through a planned gift, please let us know so we can thank you! We will happily recognize you in the Stradivarius Society, or honor your request for anonymity.
Casey Oelkers, Director of Development, (608) 257-3734, coelkers@madisonsymphony.org.