Prelude Discussions

Insights into
the music…

Prelude Discussions

Tune up for the concerts! Prelude discussions enrich the concert experience with insights into the music and the lives of the composers. Step into the hushed and intimate atmosphere of Overture Hall with just a handful of other music lovers for a conversation with the maestro, guest conductor, or even — on rare occasions — the composer.

All ticketholders are welcome to attend. Each discussion begins one hour before the concert and lasts about 30 minutes, so you’ll have plenty of time to chat or have a cocktail before the concert starts. There are prelude discussions for all MSO subscription concerts except A Madison Symphony Christmas.

2024/25 Season Prelude Discussion speakers include:
September: Reunion – Michael Allsen
October: Visions – Nicholas Hersh
November: Momentum – Michael Stern
January: Beethoven x3 – Randal Swiggum
March: Legacy – Beverly Taylor
April: Yearnings – Joseph Young
May: Gershwin! – Steve Kurr

I LOVED John DeMain’s pre-concert talk! He was terrific, knowledgeable, and personable!


The pre-concert talk, the offerings, the quality. It’s a highlight of my month.


I appreciate the Prelude Discussion, the opportunity to hear music that is new to me, and the joy of experiencing a quality live concert.

