The healing power of music… Home > Education & Community > HeartStrings® Letter of Agreement Education & Community MenuEducation Programs Young Artist Competitions Young People’s Concerts Up Close & Musical® Master Classes Community Engagement HeartStrings® The Rhapsodie Quartet The Hunt Quartet Prelude Discussions HeartStrings® Letter of Agreement "*" indicates required fields HeartStrings reaches beyond traditional performance settings to bring live, interactive presentations by some of the Madison Symphony Orchestra’s best players into healthcare facilities, residential facilities and schools. These sessions have demonstrated extraordinary physical, emotional, cognitive, and social changes for people of all ages and levels of functioning. This letter of agreement outlines the elements and requirements of the 2024-2025 HeartStrings program. This agreement should be read and signed by the HeartStrings contact person and the Director or Adminstrator (if different). Participating HeartStrings partners receive: - Nine monthly visits by the Rhapsodie Quartet during the 2024-2025 season - Visits to our community partners will occur during the months of September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May - Sessions last 45-60 minutes, have different musical themes, and are designed to include music therapy-informed interactive activities Participating partners are required to: - Plan for the HeartStrings Quartet visits on the scheduled dates and communicate with facility or school staff as needed - Provide four armless chairs for the musicians at each visit - Facilitate resident, client, and/or student attendance at all HeartStrings sessions - Ensure that staff are present during each session to assist with resident, client or student needs and smooth implementation of the sessions - Note: Rhapsodie Quartet members are not authorized to interact with residents, clients or students in the absence of partner staff - Communicate with the Madison Symphony Orchestra staff as needed Partnership AgreementFacility Name* Contact Person* Title* Email Address* Activity Director or Principal Name (if different) Title Email Address Electronic Signature* Schedule Your SessionsAll sessions are scheduled on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoons recurring during the first, second, third, or fourth week of the month. Please use the following dropdown boxes to indicate your preference. First Choice:*First TuesdayFirst WednesdayFirst ThursdaySecond TuesdaySecond WednesdaySecond ThursdayThird TuesdayThird WednesdayThird ThursdayFourth TuesdayFourth WednesdayFourth ThursdaySecond choice:*First TuesdayFirst WednesdayFirst ThursdaySecond TuesdaySecond WednesdaySecond ThursdayThird TuesdayThird WednesdayThird ThursdayFourth TuesdayFourth WednesdayFourth ThursdayThird choice:*First TuesdayFirst WednesdayFirst ThursdaySecond TuesdaySecond WednesdaySecond ThursdayThird TuesdayThird WednesdayThird ThursdayFourth TuesdayFourth WednesdayFourth ThursdayAll sessions begin at 1:30 pm or 3:30 pm. Please select your preferred time below:* 1:30 pm 3:30 pm No preference Special requests: