The Madison Symphony Orchestra is one of the 1,700 orchestras represented by the League of American Orchestras, which links a national network of thousands of instrumentalists, conductors, managers and administrators, board members, volunteers, and business partners. The MSO’s Education Director Kathryn Schwarzmann is currently serving as co-chair of its Education Leadership Committee. The Madison Symphony Orchestra League has a seat at the table, too!
MSOL member Janet Cabot is one of 17 members on the League’s Volunteer Council. She is the third MSOL member invited to represent fellow volunteers nationally; Marian Bolz served on the Council from 1980-1985 and Marilyn Ebben from 2005-2007. The Volunteer Council, launched in 1964, brings together representatives of volunteer associations affiliated with orchestras of all sizes from across the country to exchange ideas and knowledge. The Council recognizes outstanding volunteer projects with annual awards, shares information through Volunteer Notes emailed quarterly to volunteers, and plans volunteer-specific sessions during the League National Conference.
There is a benefit of having a seat at the table. “No matter the size of our respective organizations and orchestras, we have common challenges and opportunities. You learn about what worked for others and bring back new ideas. ”The perfect example is the MSOL’s popular Parties of Note, an award-winning program Marilyn Ebben heard it presented at Conference. She brought back the fundraising idea which MSOL has been doing ever since. “In turn, it is wonderful when our successful projects are recognized and can provide inspiration to others.” This year the MSOL won a Gold Award of Excellence for e-News and received a Spotlight Award for the Volunteer Appreciation Party held last May. “There is nothing better than bringing attention to the MSOL and the work we do to support the Madison Symphony Orchestra.”