
The Madison Symphony Orchestra gave a free Family Concert on May 18. Associate Conductor Kyle Knox led the Madison Symphony in this special free family-friendly 45-minute concert. We also hosted an assortment of pre-concert activities one hour prior to the performance. Activities included an instrument petting zoo sponsored by Heid Music, a scripted program that introduces each instrument and musical theme for the Peter and the Wolf characters in a fun and interactive way prior to the concert, and coloring stations with pre-made popsicle stick puppets of characters from Peter and the Wolf. Check out some photos from the event and hear what our patrons had to say!


Hear what the audience had to say…

“We came with two grandchildren. One is almost 4 and the other almost 7. They both enjoyed the concert. I noticed that the almost 4 was keeping time correctly during the concert and even changing which puppet he was showing me based on the instrument that was playing the theme. I was pleasantly surprised!”
“My three year old daughter LOVED the opportunity to see the orchestra!! The petting zoo and activities in the rotunda were perfect and the concert was very well paced and a good length. The pieces were engaging and not too long. I’m always looking for more opportunities to expose her to music! We would love to come to another next season!”
“Our great granddaughter is 10. When I told her about the concert a few weeks ago, she didn’t want to attend. She said she doesn’t like “that kind of music.” We arrived early and walked throughout the Overture Center so she could get acquainted with the spaces and sat in our seats a half an hour before the performance. She got to see and hear the musicians warm up. Her favorite song was the John Williams music from Harry Potter. I think the William Tell Overture was also a favorite. It was a great introduction to the symphony orchestra! She may not be interested in learning to play an instrument, but I think she now has an appreciation for all of the instruments she saw on Saturday. Thank you for this opportunity!”
“Our almost 3 year old was beyond delighted to conduct throughout the concert. Kyle took the time to come down and Introduce himself to our son (who “conducts” and only wanted to see the director haha). The coloring was perfect, costumed musicians were awesome.”