
Our opening concert of the 23-24 organ season, Greg Zelek y Amigos, was a bilingual celebration of classical and popular Latin-American music. A variety of guest artists joined the stage with MSO Organist Greg Zelek inlcuding Magela Herrera (Flute), Alvaro Bermudez (Guitar), Yarelis Gandul (Percussion), and Alex Hernandez (Bass). Read what our patrons had to say about the performance below and check out photos from the concert!


Hear what the audience had to say…

“The variety of instruments, and repertoire! It was very different from a typical organ concert, but excellent all the same!”
“The fusion of Cuban and classical organ that Greg Zelek arranged was astonishing. I enjoyed learning more about Mr Zelek. I assumed he spoke Spanish but was delighted by him singing and playing guitar. He is so talented and engaging. We are lucky to have him here.”
“Zelek is so innovative and creative. I am a graduate student and I attend the symphony, chamber, and organ shows regularly. While I love each, I know I will be in for a surprise with the chamber and organ shows. In particular, Zelek is daring, and I believe that he will bring in a more diverse, and young, crowd to the symphony programs.”
“Wow! On a scale of 1-10, it was an 11! From the music to the stories to the singing and dancing, I was enthralled! I only wish Greg had played 2 nights, instead of 1, so we could experience it all over again. It was absolutely, positively a grand slam! Congratulations Greg and team! You are a true blessing to this community!!”
“The diversity of the large crowd, the unconventional (and approachable) program slotted as first-of-the-season, and — Holy cow! Greg can SING!!!??!!!! haha Watching the audience react was one of the best things.”
“Greg Zelek’s enthusiasm, warmth, and exceptional musicianship was most compelling. He really connected with the audience and made us feel a part of his family. The other superb musicians he gathered together with the variety of music and instrumentation was the next most compelling phenomenal. The entire evening was amazing!”
“It was so much fun. Greg talks to the audience as though we’re sitting in his living room, and it really “works”. Greg plays a variety of musical genre on the organ and integrates it with other instrumental and voice performances–again as though we were in his living room. Who else could have pulled off an organ concert that was also a Cuban jazz jam session?”