
22/23 SEASON

single tickets & subscriptions on sale now!

22/23 SEASON

Become a subscriber or buy single tickets.

22/23 SEASON

… 8 subscription concerts plus Beyond the Score®

2022–2023 Symphony Season

Subscriptions and single tickets ON SALE NOW!

Imagine… being together with us for an exciting new season of live music! Your Symphony’s 2022–2023 season begins in September. New subscribers save up to 50% off for 5–8 concerts (starting at $65 for five concerts). Single tickets for all subscription concerts ($20-$98) and the single performance of Beyond the Score® ($18–74) are available now.

2022–2023 Organ Season

Subscribe to all four concerts for $80! Single tickets $25 ea.

Your 2022-2023 Overture Concert Organ Series features some of the most thrilling music written for the King of Instruments. Subscriptions are available through Tuesday, September 20. Single tickets are only $25 — on sale NOW!

Learn more about us...

Easily access information about every concert, organ performance and special event — from your phone, tablet or computer. Discover more about the impact of our Education and Community Engagement Programs. Find out how you can be a part of our MSO mission as a contributor or volunteer. Learn more about us and the stories that reveal who we are. Enjoy!

Next Concerts & Events

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Join us as we embark on a journey to engage and inspire.

People go to concerts to hear music that moves them… and great symphonic music moves us like nothing else can. Please join us on the journey, and listen as the music speaks to you.

- MSO Music Director John DeMain
