
Pictured Above: Blake Pouliot rehearsed Saint-Saëns with the Madison Symphony Orchestra on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Find us on Facebook and Instagram for more behind-the-scenes photos!


$10 Balcony Tickets still available for this weekend’s concerts!
“Dazzling Violin & Spring” feat. Blake Pouliot, Violin


Plus, take advantage of our limited time offer for $10 balcony tickets and join us for our “Dazzling Violin & Spring” concerts tonight, tomorrow, or Saturday!

Learn More & Buy Tickets


Single Tickets: $10-98
Student Rush Tickets: $15

Please Note: Additional Overture Center fees apply when purchasing online and over the phone. No fees added when purchasing in-person.
Overture Center Box Office, 201 State St. (hours)



Benjamin BrittenFour Sea Interludes
Camille Saint-Saëns, Violin Concerto No. 3 in B minor
Johannes Brahms, Symphony No. 2 in D major

Blake Pouliot’s Media Appearances

WPR with Norman Gilliland
Listen to the interview

Blake spoke with Wisconsin Public Radio host Norman Gilliland about the challenges of recoding and shares his recordings of works by Ravel and Debussy.

NBC15 with John Stofflet
Watch the Interview
Violinist Blake Pouliot dazzled audiences with his outstanding performance with the Madison Symphony Orchestra in early March of 2020, just before concert venues around the world shut down due to COVID-19. During that time, Pouliot’s performance of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with the MSO was a pleasant memory of better times symphony-goers could hold onto until the orchestra returned to Overture Hall. In this interview, the Canadian violinist talks with John Stofflet about life during the “lockdown”, and about what makes this particular piece so special. He also performs Bach’s Gavotte en Rondeau for solo violin.

Upcoming Performances & Other News

In Memoriam: Marika Fischer Hoyt

The musicians, board and staff of the MSO extend our sincere sympathy to the loved ones of Marika Fischer Hoyt, a member of our viola section for more than 20 years until her passing in February 2023. In addition to performing with the Symphony, she was co-founder of many chamber music groups in Madison and hosted classical music programming on WPR. Madison Symphony Orchestra members will perform a musical tribute to Marika at this weekend’s concerts.

Discover more about her life and legacy.

Greg Zelek & Thomas Mesa
Tuesday, April 18, 7:30 p.m.

“After our first performance together back in 2019 and a solo performance of Dvořák’s Cello Concerto with the MSO, Thomas Mesa returns as we collaborate once again in a program of organ and cello music. Mr. Mesa and I will both perform works by women composers, such as Nadia Boulanger’s gorgeous Trois Pièces, as well as a solo cello work written for him by Spanish composer Andrea Casarrubios. We will close this exciting evening with a commissioned work written for the two of us, Daniel Ficarri’s Sonata in C minor for Organ and Cello, which was inspired by our first performance at Overture Hall. You won’t want to miss the world premiere of this incredible piece!” — Greg Zelek, Principal Organist

All tickets to this concert are just $25. Learn more and join us!

Read the Digital Score Newsletter!

The Score Newsletter is published two to three times a year for patrons and friends of the Madison Symphony Orchestra. Each issue is packed with the latest news, information about upcoming concerts and events, and a behind-the-scenes look at the music. The current issue is now available for viewing online. Plus, you can sign up for a free subscription if you’re not already on our list!

Employment Opportunity: Data and Analytics Manager

The Madison Symphony Orchestra is seeking an experienced Data and Analytics Manager to join our administrative team. This new, full-time position will increase the capacity of our development and marketing departments by leading, implementing and overseeing all aspects of the MSO’s CRM systems, and being responsible for the organization’s overall data health and security.

View the full position and application instructions on our website. For best consideration, apply by May 19, 2023.

Principal Horn Linda Kimball Retires; MSO Announces Auditions

Linda Kimball will be retiring at the end of this concert season after 36 years of service to the Madison Symphony. She first joined the orchestra in 1987 as Section Horn, and then became Principal Horn in 2003. We thank Linda for her many years of music with us! As a result, the MSO will be holding auditions for Principal Horn in addition to Section Cello, Section Violin, and Section Viola in May and June.

Read more about Linda and learn more about auditions.

Community Events

“Pianoforte” screening at Wisconsin Film Festival
Saturday, April 15, 1:15 pm

Shannon Hall, Memorial Union

Every five years, the world’s greatest young pianists face off in Warsaw at the International Chopin Piano Competition, one of classical music’s most storied and prestigious contests—and a natural hotbed of fascinating characters. This gripping and brilliant documentary introduces us to a memorable array of preternaturally talented twentysomethings from across Asia and Europe, as well as their equally memorable coaches. Learn more and buy tickets.


Forward Theater: Artemisia
April 13-30
Playhouse, Overture Center for the Arts

Forward Theater is proud to present the World Premiere of Artemisia, a new play by Lauren Gunderson (author of Silent Sky and I and You). Artemisia Gentileschi was the most celebrated female painter of the 17th century, yet her name is remembered by few. A work of humor and warmth that celebrates the courage, artistry, and humanity of a woman who attacked the glass ceiling with every brush stroke. Learn more and buy tickets.


Children’s Theater of Madison: Peter Pan
April 22-30
Capitol Theater, Overture Center for the Arts

Experience the magic! Take flight with Peter, Wendy, Michael and John as they venture to Neverland, meet the Lost Boys and fight the villainous Captain Hook! One of the most beloved musicals of all time flies back into the Capitol Theater. A stellar cast, a gorgeous score played by a live orchestra and marvelous flying effects bring you a Broadway-quality show you’ll never forget. Featuring Marcus Truschinski as Captain Hook! Learn more and buy tickets.


Madison Opera: The Marriage of FIgaro
April 28 & 30
Overture Hall, Overture Center for the Arts

In 1786, Mozart revolutionized opera. Taking Beaumarchais’ play about servants and nobility – so incendiary that it was banned in Vienna – Mozart composed an opera that is both funny and moving, creating a sublime masterpiece. The opera takes place on one day, and tells of Susanna and Figaro’s maneuvering to get married as they plot around the Count with the help of the Countess and several people with their own agendas. Music elevates every moment, and the flaws of humanity give way to the beauty of compassion. One of the greatest operas ever written, Figaro is ever-young, ever-wise, and ever-transcendent. Learn more and buy tickets.

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