Offers & Discounts

for everyone…

Offers & Discounts

Group Tickets

Groups of 10 or more receive a discount on tickets to MSO subscription concerts and Organ Performances. Learn more.

Student Rush

Beginning the Friday of a three-day Symphony weekend OR on the day of a concert, students may purchase up to two student rush tickets in person at the Overture Center Box Office. All Symphony Student Rush tickets are $15, and all Organ Student Rush tickets are $10. Learn more.

Student and Senior Pricing

Students and seniors (ages 62 and up) also have the option of purchasing advance discounted seats in the following sections/areas of Overture Hall:

  • C: $45
  • D: $30

How to purchase
Discounted tickets for students can be purchased online, in person or by calling the Overture Center Ticket Office at (608) 258-4141. Please note that additional fees apply to online and phone orders.
