of Note
Saturday, May 18, 2019
1:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Join Madison Trust for Historic Preservation docent Teri Venker for a walking tour of the University Heights Historic District. Discover what makes this historic neighborhood special. Learn about the people who lived there and the architects who designed their homes, including Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan. A reception follows at the home of residents Cyrena and Lee Pondrom. (Rain date: May 19)
Menu: Wine, lemonade, sparkling water, heavy hors d’oeuvres and sweets
Sponsors: Cyrena & Lee Pondrom, Teri Venker, Madison Trust for Historic Preservation
Location: 210 Princeton Avenue, Madison
Dress: Casual
Cost: $60 per person ($35 tax deductible)
Cap: Limited to 20 Guests